Eyes of a Prize - order page on Amazon - ebook and paperback
Eyes of a Prize - order page on Amazon - ebook and paperback
The path to a better life may require one to become a better self, or it may just need us to go faster down the road. There's a great deal of wisdom in the old saying "watch out what you wish for, you may get it."
When my uncle lost control of his addiction, I had to do away with the leech who enslaved him. Now dozens of people are trying to find me, the cops are trying to figure out who did in who. With this involuntary cold turkey I've pushed on him, my uncle just might accidentally get his shit together. Ain't there an easier way for a high-level computer jock to get back to simple, real love?
Read all about it! Special pre-order copies are only one third of the cover price! Limited time offer! Absolutely ends when the copyright office acknowledges the filing, then this book will go into general release at Amazon.
Here is a link to our page at Amazon for both ebook and paperback. Note that this is an affiliate link, we may earn a commission on your purchases. EOAP2
The price given on this page is for the paperback, but you can order it directly on the Amazon page.